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Call for Indigenous, Black, Asian, Middle Eastern and Latinx theatre artists

By October 20, 2021October 26th, 2021News

The “Stories Written by Kids” project is seeking new actor/facilitators to engage student writers at Strathcona Elementary school, and then perform their original new plays Spring 2022.

$40/hr, roughly 60 hours total 

Dates: project occurs between March 28 and May 5, includes three in-school workshops (or on Zoom depending on health and safety regulations), a flexible rehearsal period, and two performances. For more on the project, please see our recent production “41 Stories Written by Kids – False Creek Elementary” here:

About Strathcona Elementary school: We are a large inner-city school located on the edge of Vancouver’s Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside. We are a vibrant community comprising of families from a diverse range of backgrounds including 1st and 2nd generation immigrants from Asia and Central America as well as recent refugees from East Africa and the Middle East. However, the most prominent group at Strathcona are our Indigenous students. They represent over 20% of the kids at our school as well as the largest cohort of any elementary school in the Vancouver District.

We are seeking new artists to join our team to help better represent the Strathcona school community. We highly encourage actors with skills in writing, improvisation, and working with kids, as well as any special talents such as dance, puppetry, musical instruments, mask work, singing, voice over, physical theatre, and other skills.

Auditions and interviews will be held via Zoom. Callbacks will be in person.

Please email by November 30 if interested.